Mixin’ Styles

Mixin’ Styles is a free premium level theme. This theme makes use of rounded corners, text shadow and font embedding. Also supported are custom header, custom logo, custom menus and image thumbnails. You can change several color schemes and backgrounds from the Customizer.
General features:
- Custom Logo
- Custom Header
- Widget friendly
- WordPress custom menu compatibility with Page menu default
- “Date stamp” images and styled sticky posts
CSS 3 features:
- Rounded corners
- Embedded fonts
Theme options page features:
- Customizer based options page
- Database safe- making sure all fields are sanitized for proper data
- Ability for blog owners to easily change background colors, add background images and add a logo
- Nine color schemes
Theme version: | 1.2 |
Works with WordPress version: | 4.5 |
Tested in browsers: | Firefox, Chromium, Opera (in Linux) |
Questions?/Fixes?: | Use contact form below |
Fixed/Fluid Layout?: | Fluid |
Minimum Width/Width: | 320 pixels |
Portfolio/Contact: | www.jgpws.com/portfolio jason.sgonzalezatgmail.com |
Screenshots and theme preview

1.2 (06/20/20)
Gutenberg compatibility and block styling. Responsive video embed block.
1.1.1 (06/12/20)
New screenshot. Accesibility fixes for the header menu.
1.1 (06/10/20)
Version 1.1 with major updates. New features include new Customizer options: three header menu styles; three featured image sizes; left, right bottom sidebars.
1.0 (06/03/20)
New version 1.0 with several changes to the underlying theme code; Responsive, CSS Grid layout. Removed Internet Explorer compatibility.
0.2.6 (04/14/16)
Ran Theme Check on this theme. Got rid of old backward compatible code for WP 2.9; added support for title_tag; properly registered the sidebar using a function; cleaned up wp_nav_menu, adding a callback and adding tabmenu class to its auto-generated code.
0.2.5 (12/21/11)
Important update for WP 2.9- users. Added a legacy comments file to replace the existing one that works with WP 3.0 because if WP 2.9 or below does not recognize the comment_form tag, the reply section disappears. Now, the alternate comments template is loaded via a filter that looks for the comment_form function; if it doesn’t exist, the filter loads legacy.comments.php. legacy.comments.php is still compatible with the wp_list_comments function.
0.2.4 (12/16/11)
Adjusted underlying code so the content is read by the browser before the sidebar. Adjusted the accompanying CSS accordingly. Placed bold and italic Walkway embedded font via conditional comment into ie.css with different font family names, so bold and italic fonts render correctly in IE. Styled the blockquote tag.
0.2.3 (12/14/11)
Fixed feed links to be backward compatible for WP 2.9 only. Correctly implemented automatic feed links for WP 3.0 by removing hard coded rss links in the header. Changed the capabilities for the options page in the add_theme_page function to ‘edit_theme_options’ instead of ‘manage_options’.
0.2.2 (12/13/11)
Important update! I made the comment form backward compatible for WordPress versions below 3.0. With the comment form using 3.0 only code, the theme will break in versions below 3.0! In addition, I added styling to the comment form.
0.2.1 (12/11/11)
Installed and used the Theme Check plugin (in my testing environment) to bring this theme up to current theme development best practices. Changes include support for paginated posts, post tags display, automatic feed links and inclusion of a comments.php file using newer standards. Changes have been made to the underlying code so the theme doesn’t use template tags that may be deprecated in the future.
0.2 (12/07/11)
Made Mixin’ Styles backward compatible for WordPress versions below 3.0, where post image thumbnails and custom menu support do not appear in versions below 2.9 or 3.0, but the theme still works below 3.0.
Added support for WP 2.9 image thumbnails
Added three new styles to the theme options page: “Khaki”, “Tan” and “Sandstone”.
0.1 (11/29/11)
I just realized the folder structure for all of my themes is probably zipped incorrectly. The folder structure should be folder.zip > folder, instead it is folder_zip.zip > folder_zip > folder. Themes may not install correctly using WordPress’s theme Upload feature. Each theme’s folder structure has now been corrected.
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[…] Mixin’ Styles makes use of advanced CSS 3 features such as rounded corners, text shadow and font embedding, but renders just fine in browsers that do not support CSS 3. You can change several color schemes and backgrounds from the Styling theme options page. […]
[…] Mixin’ Styles 主题运用了先进的CSS3特性,例如圆角、文本阴影、字体嵌入,但浏览器的渲染功能不支持CSS3。用户可以在设计主题选项页面中改变许多颜色方案和背景。 […]
[…] Privacy Policy « Mixin’ Styles […]
[…] following this blog for a while, you might know about a WordPress theme I created some time ago, Mixin’ Styles. I created this theme a pretty long time […]
[…] again, the new version is available at GitHub and the theme’s home page. For this theme, I am keeping two versions in the case that I implement SASS, Gulp or other build […]
[…] I applied this method to Mixin’ Styles for the sidebar. I’ll use the sidebar as an example here, but this will work for any layout […]