JGD-Spring Awakening GTK+

*JGD-Spring Awakening has now been updated for GTK version 3.20+!
Download and installation instructions for JGD-Spring Awakening GTK+ 2 and GTK+ 3 are at gnome-look.org.

After a long while, I finally updated this theme to work with GTK, version 3.20. You can get this theme package from gnome-look, or if you want to skip an extra click, you can download it directly from GitHub. Just grab the file with the latest date.
About the Icons
Before, with this theme, I was using a customized AwOken icon set. Since there were issues with the AwOken icons rendering over the top of the close button on client side decorated windows, I switched to the Numix icons.
The reason why is that there is an external program that allows you to customize the icon colors similar to AwOken. It is called Numix Folders. The easiest way for me to download this was through Arch’s user repository. I simply typed in numix folders and then chose the number according to its title.
yay numix-folders
For other operating systems, you might want to check their repositories or possibly Software Centers.
To run the script, from the command line type:
The screenshot below shows the color schemes I used for matching custom colored folders for this theme: Primary- #7cfc00; Secondary- #68c468; Symbol- #ffffff.
Of course the Numix icons need to be installed in order to use Numix Folders. They come in basic (with rounded corners), circle and square shaped designs. Head over the Numix Project GitHub page, and there are installation instructions on each icon style’s page. Arch users can search for the icons in yay with yay numix
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[…] is a dark theme with an orange, brown and blue color scheme based on JGD-SpringAwakening. Features include colorful buttons and certain backgrounds with subtle gradients. It supports GTK2, […]