Update for The M.X.- January, 2018

Work is still continuing on The M.X. WordPress theme, even though it is almost two years in the making. Recently, I’ve moved into adding the animations to the theme with Animate.css, as well as more Skrollr animations. Below are some gifs showing how each animation plays.
Just now, before creating this post, I used GIMP to resize the final animation depicting scrolling. It turned out terrible, with artifact lines and heavy dithering. I thought there must be a better way to shrink large gif files. I just found the website EZGif.com. On this website, I uploaded the large .gif file and shrank it down to half its size with, as you can see, very little degradation.
The M.X. still has some more features to add including simple built ins like WordPress custom logo, and I want to include a few custom home page templates, including one that mimics the theme’s grid layout– simple square boxes designed for feature images. More updates will be posted as The M.X. progresses.