JGD-BizElite Version 1.3 coming soon

I have been working on yet another update for JGD-BizElite– version 1.3. One thing that many themes have that was missing from JGD-BizElite is the ability to add icons with links to the site owner’s social media profiles, so I added that. To make sure that the links associated with the profile icons were portable to another theme, I used a variation Justin Tadlock’s method described in the article Social nav menus: Part 2. I must say this was a brilliant solution to the problem of social profile link portability. If you’re a theme developer, check out the article.
In addition, I added a new page template named Featured Categories. When applied, it will show the page content from WordPress minus the page title, and a section with the three newest posts from up to three categories selected from the Customizer.
My eventual plans for this theme are to add more “magazine” type features (on option), such as removing the individual magazine layouts and replacing them with a magazine mode. When checked in the Customizer, magazine mode would style the content area only. This would style the content with a Masonry layout, replace the two dropdowns with a custom menu and a separate option would create a header that shrinks when scrolling down, to further emphasize the content.
For this current update, it will be coming soon. I just need to do a couple of new tweaks and finishing touches.
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[…] in a post a while back when I announced version 1.3 I mentioned planning more “magazine” features for this theme? Well, the new Featured […]